Greater Holland Area
Foster Care Prayer Vigil


Become a Partner Agency

Many kids in foster care feel they don't have a prayer... we can change that.

Join other foster care agencies, area churches and businesses as we partner up to host a community-wide interdenominational Prayer Vigil. The Vigil  focus on foster children and their biological, foster and adoptive parents as well as foster care agencies and all others involved in their care, protection and future.  The Vigil  will be held from 4-9 pm on Tuesday, May 18 at Ridgepoint Community Church in Holland.  

 "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." - Matthew 18:20  

This time of concentrated prayer is for the 19,000 children in Michigan's foster care system, and the 6,000 waiting for their forever family. We will pray for the biological families working to bring them home,  the foster families caring for them in the meanwhile, and the adoptive families that will provide them forever homes if they can't return to their bio families.  We need to pray over the issues that bring these children into care in the first place.  Join us as we pray over the case workers, lawyers and judges that make decisions on the behalf of these children and families. 

O Lord, you have heard the desire of the humble; You will strengthen their heart, You will incline your ear to vindicate the orphan and the oppressed...  - Ps. 10:17-18

What will the Vigil be like?
The Vigil will include a variety of prayer opportunities: silent, individual, group and directed prayer, interactive areas with hands-on prayer points for families, live worship band, scripture reading, video clips and personal testimony.  Take-home prayer cards will be available to help direct prayer, and a foster care/agency information table will be available for those that would like more information or resources.  In addition, we will be collecting clothing and personal hygiene items for welcome bags which will be given to Love INC in Hudsonville and distributed to the local foster care agencies.

What does it mean to be a Partner Agency?
 As a partner foster care agency, you will have the opportunity to:
 * invite your foster/adoptive families to participate in the Vigil in either a participatory or planning manner
 * collect prayer requests from your staff, foster and biological families and foster children to be prayed over     at the Vigil
  * help plan and staff the event.  We value your ideas, information and input into this process.  Staffing may       be in the form of directing people to various parts of the venue, replenishing supplies at prayer      touchpoints, or leading prayer/sharing testimory if you feel comfortable/led to do so.  
  * help recruit volunteers, partner churches or businesses
  * provide your agency brochures for the information table

How will the Vigil be staffed?
Partner agencies, churches and volunteers will fill in a block(s) of time for staffing and prayer opportunities.  These blocks will help us spread out our help and ensure that the entire length of the Vigil is staffed adequately.  We expect the majority of help to be needed in the evening hours (4:30 - 10:00pm).  

How will this event impact Foster Care in our Community?
Our primary goal is involve our community in prayer for those touched by foster care and for the system itself.  Outside of this, the additional impact potential is great:
  * Lets foster children and their foster and bioligical families know that the community cares about them
  * Softens the hearts and/or encourages those families or individuals that have thought about becoming       involved in foster parenting or adoption
  * Provides POSITIVE press/media coverage for foster care, and with this many community partners, the       media can't ignore it!
  *  Brings in donations that will help replenish the "welcome bag" stock for your agency
  * Recognizes ALL facets of foster care from the children to bio families, judges to CASA workers 

This is God's Idea, and He will continue to grow it! 
 Prayerfully consider the many ways
your agency can become involved!

To register your agency as a partner, or for more information, please contact Wendy Cheek at 616 688 5172or [email protected]