Greater Holland Area
Foster Care Prayer Vigil


Become a Church Partner

Many kids in foster care feel they don't have a prayer...
we can change that.

Join other area churches, foster care agencies and businesses to host a community-wide interdenominational Prayer Vigil (or let us help you organize a vigil at your own church). The Vigil will focus on foster children and their biological, foster and adoptive parents.  It will also focus on foster care agencies and all others involved in these children's care, protection and future. The Vigil will be 4-9pm on Tuesday, May 18 at Ridgepoint Church in Holland, MI.  

"For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

- Matthew 18:20  

This time of concentrated prayer is for the 19,000 children currently in Michigan's foster care system, and the 6,000 waiting for a forever family.  We will pray for the biological families working to bring them home, the foster families caring for them in the meanwhile, and the adoptive families that will provide them forever homes if they can't return to their bio families.  We need to pray over the issues that bring children into care in the first place.  Join us as we pray over the case workers, lawyers and judges that make decisions on the behalf of these children and their families.

O Lord, you have heard the desire of the humble; You will strengthen their heart, You will incline your ear to vindicate the orphan and the oppressed...  - Ps. 10:17-18

Become a Partner Church
The Lord makes it very clear that taking care of orphans is a priority to Him.  Be part of the solution and cover these children with prayer!  Partner Churches are those interested in helping to plan, coordinate and promote this event within and amoung their church body and the community to bring awareness, understanding, compassion and healing to the foster care system through prayer.

Why a Prayer Vigil?
May is National Foster Care Month, and the week of May 16-23 marks the 3rd Annual National Foster Care Prayer Vigil.  What better way to lift up all who are touched by foster care?  What better way to soften the hearts of our community toward them and raise up a community that wants to make a difference in the lives of these children?

How will the Vigil be organized?
The Vigil will run 4-9 pm on Tuesday May 18.  Throughout the day, there will be times for individual, group and directed prayer.  There will be family-oriented interactive activities with prayer points, worship music, Scripture reading, video clips and personal testimony.  Partner Churches can help fill blocks of time for prayer and staffing.

 How can we get involved as a Partner Church?
Below are just a few ideas to get you started. You are encouraged to build on the unique strengths and gifts of YOUR church to support this event in the way that best fits your congregation. This may include hosting your own Vigil at your church!  Please note: Churches can choose the level in which they want to participate; this can range from simply printing Vigil information in their weekly bulletin, or actively working to become involved in some of the following ways:

Congregation: As soon as possible, get word out to your congregation about the Prayer Vigil, especially identifying those involved with or touched by foster care.  Ask for staff or volunteers that will help organize/keep track of the event for your church, participate in the planning meetings, and be a communication liaison.  If you don't know who these people are, contact Wendy Cheek for help identifying willing foster or adoptive parents.

Praise Team: Ask members of your worship team to join the Prayer Vigil Worship Team.  We have a great desire for it to be a COMBINED praise team from many churches.  Please join us!

Children's Ministry: A packet of activities/ideas for children's ministry through grades 5 is available to help you with planning for the Sunday before the Vigil (May 16).  Additionally, you may send a note home with your youth the two Sundays before the Vigil (May 9) to ask for donations of new or gently used books, stuffed animals and other items for children to pray over on May 16.  These will be used for foster care welcome bags and distributed to local foster care agencies for children when they come in to care.

This is God's Idea, and He will continue to grow it through YOU! 
Prayerfully consider how YOUR Church can become involved! 

To register as a partner, or for more information, please contact Wendy Cheek at 616-688-5172or [email protected]

Clothing collections for Rick's Rack should include only new or very gently used teen-sized clothing. 

List of items to collect for welcome bags:
For infants:  bottles, pacifiers, diapers, baby shampoo, baby wash, lotion, powder, baby-safe stuffed animals, washcloths, blanket (receiving and/or quilt)  

For toddlers:  sippy cups, diapers (bigger sizes), toddler toys, stuffed animals, bible story books, other books, washcloths, blanket, night light, kid shampoo, body wash, toothbrushes, toothpaste  

For children:  t-shirts (oversized for pjs), toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, body wash or soap, night light, crayons/markers/pencils, other school supplies, coloring books, small toys, stuffed animals, blanket  

For older kids/youth:  t-shirts, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, body wash or soap, razors, deodorant, diaries, notebooks, pencils, pens, night lights, playing cards, envelopes, stamps, blankets