Greater Holland Area
Foster Care Prayer Vigil


Foster Parents -
Let's Make Some Noise!

Let's show our Community
what Foster Care is all about!

The plans are going wonderfully… now we just need to get people there to PRAY.  Please mark May 18 on your calendar and plan to attend or help with this event for part of the day.  Stand up for the kids and families you have invested so much time, care and energy into.  Help us them bring hope and promise.  Become the Face of Foster Care to our community - help us change the misperceptions; help us dispel the myths.  Tell everyone that has been a lifeline to you and get them there.  If you're part of a church, get them on board, too.  Aren't our kids worth it?

Why a Prayer Vigil?
May in National Foster Care Month, and the week of May 16-23 marks the 3rd Annual National Foster Care Prayer Vigil.  What better way to lift up all who are touched by foster care?  What better way to soften the hearts of our community toward them and raise up a community that wants to make a difference in the lives of these children?

How will the Vigil be organized?
The Vigil will run 4-9pm on Tuesday, May 18.  Throughout the day, there will be times for individual, group and directed prayer.  There will be worship music, Scripture reading, video clips, personal testimony and family-oriented interactive rooms with prayer points.  Partner Churches and volunteers will help fill blocks of time for prayer, staffing and youth group participation.  This will help spread out our help to ensure the entire Vigil is covered.

How can we get our church on board as a Partner Church?
Take the Vigil information to some staff members at church, use your passion for these kids and their families, and really sell them on the importance of being involved.  Tell them they are encouraged to build on the unique strengths and gifts of YOUR church to support this event in a way that best fits your congregation.  This may include hosting your own Vigil at your church!  Here are some ways your church can get involved:

Congregation: As soon as possible, start getting word out to the congregation about the Vigil, especially identifying those involved with or touched by foster care.   Identify a staff person or volunteer (this may be YOU!) to help organize/keep track of the event for your church, participate in the planning meetings, and be a communication liaison. 

Praise/Worship Team: Ask members of your worship team to join the Prayer Vigil Worship Team.  A planning meeting is set for April 28 from 7-8pm at Ridgepoint Community Church in Holland.  If you are one of those blessed with musical talent, please come!  Encourage those talented folks around you to go!  Can't make it but want to be involved?  Just call either Wendy (contact info below) or the Missional Living office at Ridgepoint (616-395-2600).

Children's Ministry: A packet of activities/ideas for children's ministry through grade 5 is available to help you with planning for the Sunday before the Vigil.  Additionally, you may ask your children's ministry families for donations of new or gently used books, stuffed animals, small toys or other items for the children to bring in and pray over.  These will become part of foster care welcome bags and distributed to local foster care agencies for children when they come into care.

Junior/Senior High Youth Group: Plan to hold your youth events for that week at the Prayer Vigil.  Groups can make and pray over fleece tie-blankets, books, coloring books and other needed "teen" items they have collected; participate in activities to build compassion and understanding of the issues surrounding foster care; and worship with a combined church Worship Team.  Youth groups can also gather teen-sized clothing donations for Rick's Rack, a new "store" coming to Holland where teen foster children can "shop" for free of charge.  
          This is God's idea, and He will continue to grow it through YOU!  
                      Prayerfully consider how YOU and your CHURCH 
                                            can become involved!

To register as a volunteer or partner church, or for more information, please contact foster parent Wendy Cheek at 616-688-5172 or [email protected]